Most drivers in the world dread looking for car parking. The sheer uncertainty of the entire process can turn a good day into a bad one. Car park owners and operators are constantly evolving and trying new ways to make the parking process as easy as possible for drivers. Here’s what the information you need to provide drivers to help them park easier.
- Location: Parking is all about location, however, don’t presume that drivers know where your car park is located. Make sure you clearly communicate all amenities close by including walking distance.
- Location: Parking is all about location, however, don’t presume that drivers know where your car park is located. Make sure you clearly communicate all amenities close by including walking distance.
People just want to see that you are five minutes away from the university, they don’t want the hassle of cross-referencing with Google Maps.
- Parking payments: Coins, card or app? You need to tell people what to expect.
- Space Availability: There’s nothing worse than driving all the way to your destination only to find out that there is no space available in the car park. Drivers are constantly wondering whether it is worth the drive and risk not finding the right space. Wouldn’t it be easier for car park owners to let their potential customers know if there are spaces available for parking? Parkpnp allows car park owners to list their space online and makes it easier for drivers to find the answer.
- Time of operations: Another big question that drivers have in their mind, is whether the car park at their destination is open. Imagine driving all the way to your favourite shopping mall, only to find that the car park is closed. This is as bad as not being able to find space in the parking lot. Drivers are constantly plagued by this uncertainty. Again, the easy solution would be to display the time of operations online on apps like Parkpnp.
- Security: Modern car parks are striving to be more secure than before. They are doing this by installing security measures like ANRPs, automatic bollards and parking barriers. Drivers are always worried about the security of their vehicles when they are not around to check on it. Hence, while looking for parking drivers want to know if the security measures are up to date.
It’s hard to provide all this detail online for potential customers. By using Parkpnp you can answer all these questions and capitalise there and then to avoid them slipping elsewhere. Get your car park started with today to maximise your online earnings. Contact with any questions.